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Electric vehicles (EVs) are parked nearly all the time, and with minor changes, they could provide grid services. They have an onboard battery and conversion equipment. Why, then, do vehicle-to-grid (V2G) applications always feel like they’re 10 years away? How do we support seamless, least-cost, reliable and efficient integration of EV charging data and operations with utility planning, business and customer systems? And what can utility regulators do to ensure that V2G can happen sooner rather than later, turning transportation energy use from a climate challenge into a climate solution?

In an interactive webinar, we explored these topics and related opportunities and challenges with a special guest panel:

  • Jeffrey Taft, chief architect for electric grid transformation, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Chris King, senior vice president, Siemens
  • Willett Kempton, professor, University of Delaware
  • Sara Parkison, energy policy advisor, University of Delaware

RAP’s David Farnsworth moderated the discussion.