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Governments want to make sure the lights stay on during the most challenging moments of the year — think freezing cold days when the wind is not blowing and the sun hides behind grey clouds. Around Europe and further afield,… View Summary +
冬夏季的用电高峰时常让电力系统面临供应不足的风险。除却发电机组的基本调峰外,利用分时电价引导用户错峰用电通常是一种经济的选择。但在某些情况下,静态的分时电价可能无法灵活应对突发状况。相比之下,实时电价作为更“智能”的定价方式,通过揭示系统当前的供需和运行状况,能够及时反映系统在小时和分钟内的变化,使消费者得以根据实际的发电成本做出相应的用电调整。而在消费者方面,大型用户在管理和控制用电方面具有更高的灵活性,更容易适应实时电价机制。 本文简单概括了实时电价的运作方式,并参考北美的实践经验,提出在现有分时电价的基础上,为有管控和调节用电能力的大型用户增设实时电价选项的建议,并建议通过风险对冲等策略,提高这些用户管控价格波动风险的能力。 本文首刊于《南方能源观察》(2023年12月3日)… View Summary +
Electric vehicles (EVs) can do more than simply transport people or goods from place to place. Through smart charging and bidirectional charging, their batteries can become an important societal resource. When these EV batteries are charged matters. Smart charging —… View Summary +
Access to consumption data from utilities enables building owners to cut utility costs, save money, increase asset value, and reduce carbon emissions. Too often, owners cannot access accurate data, especially when utilities bill tenants directly. Stakeholders in many jurisdictions requested… View Summary +
In the coming years, states will need to expand their skilled workforce in order to meet the increasing demand for heat pumps and other electrification measures, especially as new federal funds become available. To help state decision-makers determine which approaches… View Summary +
Louise Sunderland highlights that flexible household energy use is pivotal to the energy transition. The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive provides an essential gateway to citizen participation in the smart energy system and to cheaper energy for low-income households —… View Summary +
Air-to-air systems are air-source heat pumps where the useful heat is distributed into a building as warm air rather than warm water, which is used in radiators and underfloor systems. Such air-to-air systems are already extremely common in commercial settings,… View Summary +
The European energy sector is facing a triple challenge: ensuring a speedy and cost-efficient rollout of renewables, protecting consumers from price shocks and safeguarding security of supply. As the 2022 energy crisis showed, political acceptance of high electricity prices is… View Summary +
Comme dans de nombreux autres pays européens, les bâtiments français dépendent encore fortement des combustibles fossiles pour le chauffage et le rafraîchissement des locaux et la production d’eau chaude sanitaire. Cette situation est préoccupante si l’on considère que ces utilisations… View Summary +
As in many other European countries, France’s buildings still rely heavily on fossil fuels for space heating and hot water production. This is troublesome considering these uses account for more than one-third of the country’s final energy consumption. The move… View Summary +