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Stephen King wrote, “Sooner or later, everything old is new again.” Many “new” regulatory approaches to encourage building electrification are actually just new applications of tried-and-true methods policymakers have been using for years. Take, for example, clean heat standards, which… View Summary +
As part of the Fit for 55 legislative package, the European Commission proposed a recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive in December 2021. The proposal introduces a new policy to boost renovation of existing buildings across the European… View Summary +
When homes and buildings are first constructed, they must meet the building code in place at the time of construction. The median age of U.S. homes is 39 years, which means that most homes are decades out… View Summary +
About this Report: In 2020, the Chinese government announced its twin intent to peak carbon emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. Since establishing these landmark objectives, often referred to as the “dual carbon targets,” China… View Summary +
中国国家发展和改革委员会于2021年出台了一份重要的政策文件(《关于进一步完善分时电价机制的通知》),要求各省对几乎所有的用户都要设计和实施分时电价。这将极大地推进分时电价在中国的实施,并使中国成为少数几个尝试在全国范围内广泛实施分时电价的国家之一。 通过实行分时电价形成的电力消费模式的改变也可为系统提供多种好处。然而,要实现这些好处,分时电价的费率标准必须要设计得当,确定分时电价的费率要准确反映系统内在的成本,而不是靠更简单的“经验法则”。按照发改委2021年文件的要求,各省已出台了分时电价实施的配套政策,并由此产生了是否、何时以及如何评估和优化这些配套政策的一系列问题。 本政策研究简要回顾了分时电价费率设计的原则及美国一些地区的相关经验,并重点讨论如何设计分时电价的费率结构,从而实现最大化的经济和环境效益。 本文(精简版)首刊于《南方能源观察》(2023年4月26日),… View Summary +
Buildings should last decades or longer, but to do so they must be periodically modernized — and that’s challenging when financing options are limited. This means we are missing opportunities to implement new technologies that support efficiency, health and productivity… View Summary +
中国做出具有历史性意义的双碳目标承诺后,中共中央、国务院、国家发改委和国家能源局发布了“1+N”政策体系中的首要两个政策文件,为电力部门制定了顶层设计方案,提出了“加快建设新型电力系统”及“优化清洁能源发电”等要求。2021年以来,各行各业分领域的政策文件陆续出台,初步构成了“1+N”政策体系。本系列文章旨在聚焦电力行业改革,为细化政策指令提出建议,以望在近期(即“十四五规划”)内对该政策体系提供支持。这些建议既基于我们全球团队对世界其他地区电力行业中许多措施可行性的分析,也综合了我们对中国政策和制度的理解,包括与政府相关部门和合作伙伴数十年的讨论与合作。 本文为此系列第一篇,概述了我们对电力部门改革的各方面建议,具体涵盖如下领域: 实施“全国统一电力市场体系”的下一步工作; 实施透明的电力部门规划,支持转型期间系统可靠性; 解锁低成本方案以支持系统灵活性和可再生能源并网; 在电力行业改革工作中落实“节约优先”的承诺。 This paper is also available in English. View Summary +
In the United Kingdom, policymakers are considering the idea of converting households that currently use gas for heating to instead burn hydrogen. This idea is known to compare poorly, on energy system cost grounds, to widespread energy efficiency, electrification using… View Summary +
Pompy ciepła to jedna z kluczowych technologii na drodze transformacji energetycznej, już niedługo stanie się najważniejszą technologią dla dekarbonizacji ogrzewnictwa. Obecnie zdecydowana większość ciepła do gospodarstw domowych jest dostarczana przez paliwa kopalne. W celu promowania i zachęcania do instalowania pomp… View Summary +
Across the country, state and local governments are awaiting a windfall investment from the federal government to modernize infrastructure and ensure energy security. Everything from housing to bridges, airports and the electric grid will receive an injection of funds to… View Summary +