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Electric utility regulators are paying closer attention than ever before to individual distribution system investment decisions, in part because of the rapid growth in distributed energy resources and the need for new grid modernization investments. To achieve the best… View Summary +
W ciągu ostatnich dwóch lat Polska znacząco przyspieszyła transformację systemów ogrzewania w budownictwie jednorodzinnym, zwłaszcza jeśli chodzi o rozwój pomp ciepła. Postęp ten zawdzięcza silnemu wsparciu politycznemu w zakresie wycofywania węgla do ogrzewania indywidualnego. Jednak zależność Polski od paliw kopalnych… View Summary +
在世界范围,分时电价机制正在逐渐普及。时至今日,大部分国家的分时电价都是根据使用时间,将发电相关成本分摊到不同的时间段中,同时在各个时间平均分摊电网相关成本。本文的主题是将分时电价机制的概念延展到配电系统定价中。 最近,一些国家和地区已经开始着手处理这一课题。在此,我们关注到了丹麦电力市场正在发生的变化,丹麦在将分时电价用于配电系统定价机制中已先行一步,有些经验可圈可点,我们在此梳理了一些相关经验,也许对世界各地的政策制定者有所启发。 本文修改版首发于《南方能源观察》… View Summary +
Options for the better integration of demand-side resources was written by Zsuzsanna Pató for the Directorate-General for Energy, European Commission. It covers options to further mobilise energy efficiency and demand-side flexibility in European power markets. These options are clustered into: Short-term… View Summary +
Heat pumps, a critical technology for clean energy systems, are poised to become the most important technology for heating decarbonisation. Currently, the vast majority of heat is provided by fossil fuels. In order to promote and encourage heat pump installations… View Summary +
Over the past two years, Poland has become a remarkable success story for deployment of clean heat systems, especially heat pumps. Its progress is due to strong policy support for phasing out coal for individual heating. However, Poland’s dependence on… View Summary +
Beginning in late 2021, RMI and National Grid jointly convened a series of facilitated collaborative workshops with stakeholders from the nonprofit and utility sectors across several regions, including RAP. This roundtable group explored what it may take to decarbonize the… View Summary +
Clean hydrogen provides a tool that can open up new opportunities for decarbonisation. But it is just one tool, and an expensive one at that. If policymakers allow, or even support, continuation of the current ‘hydrogen rush,’ we will end… View Summary +
E-commerce has grown significantly during the COVID crisis, recording a 15% increase in activity and delivery traffic in urban areas between 2019 and 2021. Replacing diesel delivery trucks with battery-electric trucks can help cut harmful emissions and local… View Summary +
If the video is not visible, please accept all cookies to enable the player. Amidst rising gas prices and groundbreaking US climate legislation, heat pumps are in the national spotlight. Now is the time to accelerate the deployment of… View Summary +