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In joint comments on the recently released “Second Consultation Draft” of a renewable energy quota policy in China, RAP joins the Energy Foundation China and Center for Resource Solutions to suggest areas for increased emphasis, clarification, and policy improvements. Our views… View Summary +
Explicit demand response provides an opportunity for “aggregated” customers to participate in wholesale electricity markets and profit from their demand flexibility without the risks and costs presented by dynamic tariffs. In doing so, these customers can significantly reduce the price of energy purchased by suppliers by offering a competitive alternative… View Summary +
In talking about beneficial electrification, we have emphasized the benefits of various kinds of flexibility. For example, loads that can be scheduled at different times of day without too much inconvenience to the user can be beneficial, because they can… View Summary +
Five years after passing the Energy Act 2013, the government of Great Britain is conducting a review of the capacity market introduced by this legislation. The evaluation serves to determine whether the capacity market is still necessary and whether it… View Summary +
When Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy announced crop loan waivers in his first budget after he came to power in May this year, there was widespread concern about how the state would finance these. Many who thought the loan waiver was… View Summary +
Tourists visit our national parks to see the majestic vistas, not haze-obscured views. The two images of the Grand Canyon below illustrate this point: In the view on the left, one can see for more than 200 miles, while on… View Summary +
In a joint fact sheet, the Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE) and the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) recommend the introduction of minimum energy performance standards for rental buildings. In general, a household is said to be in energy poverty when its… View Summary +
In einem gemeinsamen Factsheet empfehlen Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE) und Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) die Einführung von Mindeststandards für Mietgebäude. Allgemein ist ein Haushalt von Energiearmut betroffen, wenn es sich die Mitglieder nicht leisten können, die Wohnung ausreichend zu… View Summary +
广东提出的电力市场运营规则是电力改革的重要一步。 我们相信,随着时间的推移,这些政策将有助于将广东和中国南方电网地区转向更高效,更低排放,更低成本,更可靠的电力系统。 基于我们对中国电力行业的了解,以及我们在美国,欧洲和世界其他地区的经验,我们为强化拟议草案的市场规则提出一些意见和建议。我们的建议主要针对“广东电力市场运营基本规则(征求意见稿)”,包括发展独立的市场监管功能,为建立区域市场创造条件,确保分布式能源资源可以公平的参与到现货市场中等。 点击右侧“Download Document”可下载全文。 This paper is also available here in English. View Summary +