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Guangdong’s proposed electricity market rules represent an important step forward. Over time, the policies will help Guangdong and the China Southern Grid (CSG) region move toward a more efficient, lower-emissions, lower-cost, and more reliable power system. It will also help lead… View Summary +
In einem gemeinsamen Factsheet empfehlen Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE) und Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) die Einführung von Mindeststandards für Mietgebäude. Allgemein ist ein Haushalt von Energiearmut betroffen, wenn es sich die Mitglieder nicht leisten können, die Wohnung ausreichend… View Summary +
Andhra Pradesh’s power sector is going through a second phase of reforms. The first (1999-2004) was widely seen as focused on privatization of electricity distribution; this time the goal is to ensure affordable and reliable power supply for all. To… View Summary +
A rare window is open for power sector reform in Uttar Pradesh. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), in office in both Lucknow and New Delhi, has a sweeping mandate to transform Uttar Pradesh’s troubled electricity situation. The party has made… View Summary +
The Indian economy is among the fastest-growing in the world. Sustaining this growth requires a healthy electricity sector that is able to meet increased demands, ideally alongside an eye to environmental sustainability. Yet electricity consumers continue to face unreliable supply,… View Summary +
RAP and the Centre for Policy Research (CPR) formally released our edited volume on the political economy of India’s state power sectors, Mapping Power, on 17 September 2018. This book is the culmination of a two-year effort researching the power… View Summary +
Etliche fortschrittliche kommunale Verwaltungen in Kalifornien und in einigen anderen US-Bundesstaaten übernehmen die Strombeschaffung für ihre Bürger, Unternehmen und die stadteigenen Institutionen. Dort, wo kein umfassender Endkundenwettbewerb eingeführt wurde, ist das Geschäftsmodell „Community Choice Aggregation“ eine Option, die Stromnachfrage zu… View Summary +
Ofgem’s recent framework decision on improving its performance-based regulation scheme, RIIO, indicates that it may be ready to take a much-needed step toward levelling the playing field between supply-side and customer-side resources. However, it is not yet clear what the… View Summary +