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For electrification to be considered beneficial, it must meet one or more of the following conditions without adversely affecting the other two: Saves consumers money over the long run; Enables better grid management; and Reduces negative environmental impacts. Beneficial… View Summary +
The regulatory system that governs U.S. electric utilities is 130 years old—while our power grid is rapidly modernizing. Utility regulators need a tool that can facilitate reform to keep pace with this change. One tool they are increasingly exploring: performance-based… View Summary +
RAP senior advisor Jim Lazar tells a story about doing a cost and environmental analysis on behalf of the Association of Northwest Gas Utilities in 1990, in which he compared space and water heating run on natural-gas-generated electricity to… View Summary +
This report, the first of three volumes of Next-Generation Performance-Based Regulation: Emphasizing Utility Performance to Unleash Power Sector Innovation, examines the concept of performance-based regulation (PBR) and how it can provide a framework to connect goals, targets, and measures to… View Summary +
This report, the second of three volumes of Next-Generation Performance-Based Regulation: Emphasizing Utility Performance to Unleash Power Sector Innovation, focuses on best practices for design, development, and implementation of performance-based regulation mechanisms. It begins by laying the groundwork for understanding… View Summary +
This report, the final of three volumes of Next-Generation Performance-Based Regulation: Emphasizing Utility Performance to Unleash Power Sector Innovation, focuses on how performance-based regulation (PBR) can be used to navigate an era of rapid technological change in the power sector. View Summary +
Greater integration of wholesale energy markets in Europe holds enormous potential to benefit consumers in the region. The European Commission and others estimate that the increase in social welfare of fully integrating Europe’s electricity markets could exceed €40 billion annually… View Summary +
The International Energy Agency reported in 2016 that energy efficiency is increasingly understood as a key component of low-carbon energy policy. The European Union encourages Member States to introduce energy efficiency obligation schemes (EEOS) to help meet energy savings objectives. View Summary +
The Paris Climate Agreement’s entry into force has clearly not yet spurred policymakers to charge toward the goal of limiting climate change to “well below 2°C” and targeting 1.5°C, warn Dr. Jan Rosenow and Stefan Scheuer. Energy efficiency remains the… View Summary +
Der US-Bundesstaat Texas ist mit rund 28 Millionen Einwohnern und doppelter Fläche wie Deutschland, der führende Stromproduzent und auch größte Stromkonsument in der USA. Mélanie Persem, Maren Schöttler und Andreas Jahn bieten Einsicht in den heutigen Stand der komplexen Energiepolitik… View Summary +