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October 21, 2021
- Regulatory Assistance Project
国家发改委最近发布的《关于进一步完善分时电价机制的通知》中(以下简称“通知”),包括了对尚未建立电力现货市场省份的指示。对于这些省份,通知要求签订的月度和年度合同中的购电价格可在一天内甚至在不同季节有相应变化。 该政策提供了一个可以改善对非现货市场省份发电机组激励措施的机会,让这些省份发电机组的补偿能够随着一天各时段甚至季度而变化——也就是说,根据预设的时间段和价格水平为发电机提供“随时间变化”的发电上网价格,这样的政策将有助于提高系统效率、降低成本并支持可变可再生能源并网。 本文简要概述了对发电机组的分时上网定价,以及在当前非现货市场省份的监管和市场环境下,分时上网电价如何在实践中运作。本文认为,在那些尚未实施电力现货市场的省份,实行分时上网电价的改革可能为过渡到更有效的金融合同和更高效的电力调度提供了机会。最终,实施精心设计的现货市场可能是所有省份的最佳选择,但这里讨论的分时上网定价会是一个有用的渐进步骤。… View Summary +
October 20, 2021
Europe’s gas decarbonisation package: Putting new wine in old wineskins?
- Megan Anderson ,
- Jan Rosenow
Putting new wine in old wineskins is a timeworn saying first mentioned in the Bible. Doing so is not a good idea we are taught: ‘the wine will burst the skins, and the wine is lost and the skins as… View Summary +
October 14, 2021
Getting off the fossil fuel roller coaster
When the global economy picks up steam, so do commodity prices. Gas demand bouncing back to pre-Covid levels started a new upswing in the price cycle. We are seeing classic market dynamics at work: demand outstrips supply and… View Summary +
October 13, 2021
Participating in Power: A Practical Guide to Utility Resource Plans for Local Governments
- David Farnsworth ,
- Jake Duncan
To meet 21st century decarbonization and social equity priorities, utilities need to transform the way they plan power sector investments. One of the most important opportunities to encourage these changes is to become an effective participant in the development of… View Summary +
October 7, 2021
China looks to apply flexible time-of-use electricity tariffs nationwide
One major challenge for decarbonisation is mobilising consumers to play a bigger role in the clean energy transition. As consumers turn to electric appliances, including electric vehicles (EVs) and heat pumps, there are increasing opportunities for… View Summary +
September 17, 2021
Rebalancing energy levies is a practical way to increase the electrification of heat
Every year households in the UK install about 1.7 million gas boilers. In May, the Heating and Hotwater Industry Council reported that 2021 looks to be a record year for gas boiler sales, with year-to-date sales up 41 per… View Summary +
September 8, 2021
Trust, not control: Germany, EVs and the power of consumer choice
‘How electric vehicles endanger electricity supply’ rang the alarm in a major German newspaper in 2018. The author warned that the local electricity networks would collapse if people returned from work in the evening and all charged their cars… View Summary +
September 3, 2021
From laggard to leader: How the UK can capitalise on the heat pump opportunity
The urgent tone of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s sixth assessment report, published on the ninth of August this year, shows the clear and stark need for immediate and rapid greenhouse gas emission reductions. Globally, across the EU… View Summary +
August 30, 2021
The Unsung Hero of the Climate Fight: Energy Efficiency
- Elaine Prause
It’s official: There is absolutely no time to waste, and our mission is clear. Whether or not you were surprised by the key findings from the recently released Working Group 1 contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report of… View Summary +
July 29, 2021
Lapping the Field: A Model Approach to Managing EV Adoption in Connecticut
- David Littell ,
- Donna Brutkoski
Sales growth of plug-in vehicles well outpaced the auto industry as a whole over the first half of 2021 — just another piece of evidence that utilities and regulators must move quickly and thoughtfully to meet the fast-increasing demand… View Summary +