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June 26, 2019
Why I replaced my new gas boiler with a heat pump
After installing a new air source heat pump in my home, I posted a photo on Twitter, delighted about the carbon emissions we will save. My celebration, however, was short-lived. The post triggered an intense discussion with many… View Summary +
June 19, 2019
Regulatory Reform is a Game of Hopscotch, Not a Flying Leap
- Jessica Shipley
The changes underway in the electricity industry are well documented: Demand is flat or declining; renewable energy and storage technology costs are plummeting; utilities and third parties are offering customers new technologies and services; and the need to cut emissions… View Summary +
June 6, 2019
New Approaches Needed to Value India’s Energy Resources
- Rasika Athawale
Central and state renewable energy procurement agencies in India cancelled approximately 7,000 MW of tenders for solar and wind capacity addition in 2018. They reason that delaying procurement will lead to savings in purchase costs, since the levelised… View Summary +
June 3, 2019
Drei Strategien zur Integration von E-Fahrzeugen
Elektrofahrzeuge bieten erhebliche wirtschaftliche und ökologische Vorteile, damit sind sie ein wesentlicher Bestandteil einer sauberen Mobilität und der Verkehrswende. Ob diese Vorteile tatsächlich realisiert werden, hängt jedoch davon ab, wie optimal E-Autos in unsere Stromnetze eingebunden werden. Gelingt die Netzintegration,… View Summary +
May 29, 2019
- Julia Hildermeier ,
- Christos Kolokathis
众所周知,电动汽车(EV)革命价值非凡,可以为电力系统、经济、环境和气候带来广泛效益。然而,这些效益是否会实现,在很大程度上取决于电动汽车与电网的整合程度。如果整合得当,电动汽车可以实现清洁能源和清洁交通的转型,既便宜又互利。 很多人都知道电动车的污染程度低于传统汽车,但大家并不知道它的额外优势,即作为电网的灵活性负荷。换句话说,它们可以在对电网有利时进行充电—例如,在风能和太阳能发电量过剩以及电力需求低的时候。 欧洲和美国出现了一些可以实现这些机会的有益探索。我们的新… View Summary +
May 22, 2019
Three smart ways to integrate electric vehicles
- Julia Hildermeier ,
- Christos Kolokathis
Promising practices are emerging in Europe and the United States to integrate electric vehicles into the grid and advance the clean mobility and energy transitions. We know that electric vehicles (EVs) can deliver extensive economic, power system, environmental and… View Summary +
April 17, 2019
Don’t throw money for heat decarbonisation out of the window
Last winter, I visited friends in London, who live in an old Victorian house. When I arrived for dinner, they told me that we could not use the kitchen as it was too cold. The radiators were running at full… View Summary +
April 17, 2019
Walking the walk on capacity mechanisms
- Philip Baker ,
- Michael Hogan
Following the decision of the General Court of the European Union in November last year to annul the capacity market in Great Britain, the European Commission has now embarked on a detailed formal investigation of the market’s design. The Court’s… View Summary +
March 27, 2019
- Regulatory Assistance Project
国际电力改革季报回顾近期全球电力行业政策和监管的最新进展,并摘选一些我们认为对中国电力市场改革特别相关的进展,以供参考。 纽约:将碳成本纳入电力批发市场和调度过程:负责监管批发市场并在该州扮演“调度中心”和 “现货市场交易中心”角色的纽约独立系统运营商(NYISO)正在开发一种机制,将碳成本纳入系统运营。新机制将建立在已经使用的“经济调度”方法的基础上。和以前一样,NYISO将收集与每个可用资源相关的可变成本的信息,进行实时更新调度的“优先顺序”… View Summary +
March 21, 2019
Gilets Jaunes, RGGI, and Recommendations for China’s Carbon Reduction Policies
- Christopher James
The gilets jaunes (“yellow vests”) protests in France have highlighted the critical role that consumers must play in defining how we decarbonize our economies. In light of this and similar setbacks for action on climate change, such as the… View Summary +