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February 4, 2021
China’s Energy Plan: Making It Work for Carbon Peaking
In November 2020, China’s National Energy Administration (NEA) requested general input on the yet-to-be-published 14th Five-Year Energy Plan (2021-25) and allowed a brief window for submissions. This post is an edited version of the rapid-response input RAP provided. RAP focused… View Summary +
February 4, 2021
2020年11月,国家能源局就第十四个(2021-2025)五年能源规划公开征求意见。我们获悉此消息后在极短的时间内做出了响应,本文在初始回复的基础上进行了修改和完善。我们主要针对能源规划中的电力规划环节提供了一些思路和建议。电力规划是考虑经济高效,清洁可靠的资源组合的重要平台。 制定退煤规划 鉴于中国政府最近宣布的(2030年前)碳达峰和2060年的脱碳目标,五年规划的一个关键主题应该是如何让电力行业走上一条远离燃煤发电的坚定转型之路。本文将基于国际经验和我们对中国正在进行的电改工作的理解,简要分享一些关于如何实现这一目标的建议。… View Summary +
January 28, 2021
要想实现交通运输领域的电气化转型,合理规划、采取激励措施、扫清障碍以及建立正确的监管框架都是必要条件。但不同地区的农村和城市生活方式各不相同,需要各自寻找适合自身的解决方案。睿博能源智库(RAP)的Camille Kadoch总结了我们为美国订制的RAP电动汽车路线图,提供了一套可供自由组合的政策工具包,涵盖了目标、资金来源、政策协调、激励措施(包括非财政激励)、充电建筑规范、与电力公司的合作、政策指南、立法模型等。它还包括一个powerpoint演示文稿,以便于向决策者和公民解释各种选择。Kadoch在文章最后引述研究报告称,交通领域的电气化转型每年可创造10万个以上的净新增就业岗位,每年可拉动GDP增长25亿至99亿美元。这对于任何希望走出疫情阴云恢复经济的国家来说都是非常有用的。虽然该工具包是为美国决策者开发制定的,但任何地区的决策者都可以参考。 交通部门的电气化为各国提供了一个契机,可以为公民节省燃料开支,改善地方经济,解决国家安全问题,改善公共卫生和应对气候变化。… View Summary +
January 25, 2021
Why Rate Design in New England Needs a Refresh
- David Littell ,
- Donna Brutkoski
Looking ahead to 2030 and then beyond to 2050, the majority of New England states have set ambitious clean energy goals. The growing adoption of new technology empowers energy customers to play a direct role in making these goals happen… View Summary +
January 25, 2021
Offshore-Windenergie als europäische Ressource
Die Stromerzeugung durch Offshore-Windkraftanlagen ist eine besondere Form des Strombezugs, weil es bisher nur wenige Erzeugungsanlagen und auch nur einzelne Stromleitungen gibt. Sogenannte Offshore-Netze – insbesondere zwischen den EU-Staaten – gibt es bisher nicht. Diese Tatsache birgt aber auch eine… View Summary +
January 22, 2021
Unlocking India’s clean energy potential through demand flexibility and distributed energy resources
- Dheer Patel
India’s quest to strengthen the long ailing power distribution sector has largely revolved around proposals to restructure the sector and redesign retail tariffs with periodic financial bailouts. These proposals show promise in alleviating present issues. It becomes crucial, however,… View Summary +
December 19, 2020
Time for energy efficiency to be valued as a grid resource
- Samuel Thomas ,
- Filippos Anagnostopoulos
What if you, as an electricity consumer, could get compensated fairly for the energy you did not consume? In the U.S., participants in pay-for-performance schemes are being paid incentives to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings. View Summary +
December 17, 2020
It is time to bring consumers on board the energy transition
Power systems are in the midst of profound transformation. More nations are striving to decarbonise their electricity grids and to electrify sectors previously powered primarily by fossil fuels such as heating and transport. To help weather this sea change, policymakers… View Summary +
December 16, 2020
Green urban freight: How to electrify our deliveries today
Every year, freight companies deliver four billion parcels containing online orders across the EU. With the ongoing pandemic, experts predict the market for express delivery will grow by more than $10 billion (€8.3 billion) by… View Summary +
December 16, 2020
Energy efficiency: Secret ingredient that can make Turkey’s energy transition a success
- Değer Saygin ,
- Jan Rosenow
At a recent pan-European energy efficiency conference in Paris, representatives of a large energy service company shared the well-kept secret of how they source energy-efficient heating technology to install in Europe: They get it from Turkey. Even though Turkey may… View Summary +