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January 22, 2018
2017年底国家发改委、国家能源局联合发布了《关于开展分布式发电市场化交易试点的通知》 (发改能源[2017]1901号),为就近利用分布式能源资源迈出了新的一步。这一通知规定了分布式发电交易模式和组织形式,并对其中关键问题,如“过网费”、相关补贴和可再生能源配额和节能减排权益等做出了具体的说明。有分析认为新出台的市场化交易政策可以大幅提高分布式发电的收益,同时降低大工业用户以及工商业用户的用电成本,从而推动分布式光伏发电在售电侧的平价上网。睿博能源智库最近就分布式发电市场化举措,也做出了评论。… View Summary +
January 19, 2018
Time for German network operators to come clean about tariffs
Network tariffs are an important part of energy costs for consumers, yet, surprisingly, the way these fees are established in Germany is completely opaque, writes Andreas Jahn, Berlin-based senior associate at global energy policy advisors Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP). According… View Summary +
January 11, 2018
The quiet power market transformation behind the new carbon market in China
In December, the Chinese government announced the launch of a national carbon emissions trading scheme (ETS), which is expected to become the largest ETS in the world. This is a major development, writes Max Dupuy, senior associate at the Regulatory… View Summary +
January 4, 2018
Environmental Permits Can Help to Implement Power Sector Reform
- Christopher James
During my trip to China this past October and November, my tenth such during that time of year, I wore my facemask only once, on a day when the air quality index (AQI) was 260. While an AQI of 260… View Summary +
December 22, 2017
Reflections on 2017: Key Trends Shaping the Power Sector
- Jessica Shipley
Reflection comes naturally during the holiday season. As I come to the end of my first year at RAP, I am reflecting on many interesting power sector developments from 2017. I will focus on a handful here—trends that stood out… View Summary +
December 20, 2017
What’s Next for Distributed Generation in China?
Investment in solar photovoltaic (PV) generation is surging in China, and, although utility-scale solar continues to dominate, distributed solar is also growing rapidly. The country is estimated to have added 54 GW of solar in 2017, and distributed solar… View Summary +
November 28, 2017
On the Road to “Efficiency First” in the Energy Union – Are we there yet?
- Edith Bayer
In 2015, the European Commission adopted moderating energy demand as a pillar of the Energy Union and “Efficiency First” as a guiding principle underpinning it. Last Friday, the Commission released its third State of the Energy Union. So how… View Summary +
November 22, 2017
Across the Pond, but in the Same Boat: The 2017 California–Germany Bilateral Energy Conference
Germany and California hold the distinctions on their respective continents of being first movers in decarbonization policy. Both have aggressively pursued power sector decarbonization with ambitious renewable energy policies, and both have now set their sights on decarbonizing the building… View Summary +
November 21, 2017
How Do You Know If “The Price Is Right” for Community Solar Programs?
- John Shenot
In television’s longest running game show, contestants are challenged to guess the prices of a wide variety of consumer goods. The contestant who comes closest to the actual price, without going over, is the winner. I found myself thinking about… View Summary +
October 20, 2017
背景:配售电改革 2015年11月,中国首家增量配电网混合所有制企业取得配网经营权,负责深圳自贸区配售电及综合能源供应等业务。鼓励社会资本有序投资、运营增量配电网是电改9号文的举措。2016年10月, 国家发改委,国家能源局联合印发了关于《售电公司准入与退出管理办法》和《有序放开配电网业务管理方法》的通知,并于同年11月发布了第一批105个增量配电网试点。… View Summary +