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April 19, 2017
Customizing Decoupling for Your State
Since its formation over a hundred years ago, the electric utility industry in the United States, and the regulatory framework that governs it, has traditionally operated under the core principle that if you sell more electrons, you earn more money. View Summary +
April 19, 2017
Efficiency First: A Crucial Building Block for the Energiewende
When the German Ministry of Energy and Economic Affairs published its green paper on energy efficiency, it not only put the spotlight on efficiency, it also started the conversation around a necessary underlying energy policy framework. Until now,… View Summary +
April 19, 2017
Efficiency First – der bisher fehlende Baustein der Energiewende
Das Bundeswirtschaftsministerium hat mit seinem Grünbuch Energieeffizienz das Thema aus der Nische geholt und damit einen guten Startpunkt für die Diskussion des notwendigen ordnungsrechtlichen Rahmens gesetzt. Denn bisher wurde Energieeffizienz oft nur als zusätzliches Serviceangebot für Endkunden gesehen, jedoch… View Summary +
April 5, 2017
Reducing Renewables Curtailment in China—An Air Quality Measure
- Sara Shapiro-Bengtsen
When Premier Li recently delivered the 2017 government work report, he stressed the importance of efficient integration of renewable energy as a measure to make Chinese skies blue again. Although China has become the biggest investor in renewable energy… View Summary +
April 5, 2017
Retooling Regulation: Breaking the Trail Forward
- Christopher James ,
- Ken Colburn
In our prior Retooling Regulation posts, we illuminated the need to integrate energy and environmental regulatory planning processes, spotlighted recommended steps to do so via a process we’ve dubbed “E-Merge,” and considered the legality of such an… View Summary +
April 5, 2017
- Sara Shapiro-Bengtsen
2017年3月,国务院总理李克强在全国人大发布了本年度政府工作报告。报告强调,提高可再生能源入网效率对重塑中国蓝天有着非常重要的意义。 尽管中国斥巨资发展可再生能源,总装机居世界首位,但是目前却仍在努力充分享受可再生能源带来的益处。可再生能源本来可以帮助中国减少排放,重现蓝天,但创纪录的弃风弃光率却使得这些资源无法发挥作用,解决这个问题并不容易,但对于改善空气质量非常重要。 弃电不是小问题 之所以出现弃风弃光现象是因为电网无法消纳入网的所有电力。据中国国家能源局统计,… View Summary +
March 13, 2017
Don’t Throw Out the Energy Efficiency Baby with the Brexit Bathwater
- Jan Rosenow ,
- Pedro Guertler ,
- Richard Cowart
Will Brexit put energy efficiency progress in the UK at risk, ask Jan Rosenow and Richard Cowart of RAP and Pedro Guertler of the Association for the Conservation of Energy? In electric appliances and heating systems—probably not. The biggest risk… View Summary +
March 7, 2017
Preparing for Emergencies with Wind, Solar, Energy Storage, and Microgrids
- John Shenot
Resilience is a character trait that is universally admired and respected in people. In recent years, it has also gained attention as a new imperative for infrastructure planning and development. In the wake of Superstorm Sandy and other recent natural… View Summary +
February 21, 2017
Buildings Have Quietly Become the Most Strategic Energy Investment in Europe
- Edith Bayer
At the second State of the Energy Union conference, European Commission Vice President Maroš Šefčovič noted the central role of local authorities and the business community in driving energy efficiency in Europe and underlined the Commission’s determination to harness… View Summary +
February 9, 2017
Utilities Can Get a “LEG” Up with Beneficial Electrification—But Regulators Also Have to be Ready
- Ken Colburn ,
- Richard Sedano
In a series of blog posts over the last several weeks, RAP has spotlighted the opportunities associated with beneficial electrification—the practice of electrifying appliances and machines that are currently powered by fossil fuels. Embracing beneficial electrification provides a significant opportunity… View Summary +