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January 21, 2016
Polski system elektroenergetyczny a dyskusja o nowej organizacji rynku energii elektrycznej w Unii Europejskiej
- Jan Rączka
Europejski system energetyczny znajduje się w fazie transformacji, której źródłami są postęp technologiczny, zmieniające się modele biznesowe i dążenie do zmniejszenia emisji CO2. Komisja Europejska postawiła ambitne cele na rok 2030, a kraje członkowskie wspierają ich realizację. Osiągnięcie 40% poziomu… View Summary +
January 12, 2016
Power Sector Transformation Advances, With Choices, Questions, and Big Opportunities
As we head into the New Year, RAP’s U.S. team will be devoting more time to a broad set of issues known as “power sector transformation.” Power sector transformation in the United States will affect the way many of us… View Summary +
January 11, 2016
Nie uciekniemy od inteligentnych sieci
- Jan Rączka
Budowa inteligentnych sieci i zarządzane popytem powinny być priorytetami. Z jednej strony zmusi nas do tego polityka Komisji Europejskiej, z drugiej – mogą one sprawić, że mało elastyczny polski system energetyczny będzie bardziej efektywny. W latach 2008-13 inteligentne sieci energetyczne… View Summary +
December 16, 2015
Power Sector Modernisation and Market Design in Poland
The Polish power sector is at a pivotal moment. It faces a number of challenges stemming from the profile of its power system, rising demand for power during summer peaks, and increasing penetration of renewable resources on the system. Its… View Summary +
December 11, 2015
Efficiency First for Germany’s Energiewende
Germany’s “Energiewende” (Energy Transition) represents a national commitment to meet aggressive economy-wide decarbonisation targets and to transform the German power sector from a reliance on nuclear and coal to renewable resources within the next four decades. Germany is unique in… View Summary +
December 8, 2015
Integrating Renewable Energy into Power Systems in China: The Importance of Good Planning
Beginning in the 1970s, the U.S. electricity industry experienced a wrenching transformation from a sector characterized by high growth to one focused on reliability, economic efficiency, and environmental performance. The contemporary building blocks of electricity planning in the United… View Summary +
December 3, 2015
Energy Efficiency Collaboratives, In All Shapes and Sizes, Can Help State PUCs
Most energy proceedings are convened before a state public utility commission, and offer few opportunities for consumers and other stakeholders to participate. However, collaboratives provide an effective opportunity for multiple stakeholders to discuss a variety of issues in a constructive… View Summary +
December 2, 2015
Put the Horse Before the Cart: Align Clean Power Plan Compliance with State Energy Goals
- Ken Colburn ,
- Christopher James
Most states are still sorting through the details of EPA’s Clean Power Plan (CPP) final rule. Given its significant, though generally positive, departure from the proposed rule, and EPA’s initial plan submittal deadline of September 6, 2016,… View Summary +
November 10, 2015
Bring Your Economy into the 21st Century: Tackling CO2 with Cap-and-Invest
As they consider how to comply with EPA’s Clean Power Plan (CPP), many states are reaching a growing consensus that mass-based programs with regional trading—“cap-and-trade”—could drive compliance costs down. A related mass-based approach—one with… View Summary +
November 10, 2015
- Christopher James
自2011年起,中国政府在制定综合全面的空气质量规划方面取得了巨大的进步,不仅采用了新的空气质量和排放标准、部署了上千个空气质量监测仪、制定了严格的空气质量改善目标,而且最近修订的大气法中更是包含了对于违规的企业实行“按日计罚”等措施。 制定标准是关键的第一步,而实施则是确保实现减少污染物排放目标更为重要的一步。… View Summary +