In 2003, RAP first developed the concept of the efficiency power plant (EPP), a set of integrated energy efficiency programs whose savings mirror the output of a conventional power plant. Since then, we’ve worked with our Chinese partners to further refine the idea, develop funding sources and initiate pilot programs in six provinces. More recently, we’ve underwritten the creation of a spreadsheet tool that analyzes the economics of EPPs and energy efficiency generally (read more on the Energy Efficiency Calculator) and, with NRDC, we have put on three major multi-day DSM trainings for the key governmental and utility officials that are designing and managing efficiency programs.
In November 2010, China released new and much-anticipated demand-side management (DSM) regulations. RAP and our partners provided advice on crafting these regulations, which define energy efficiency as a resource, require that it be given priority over supply-side investments to meet electricity demand growth.
The rules also require Chinese grid companies to achieve specific energy savings targets, similar to energy efficiency obligations placed on electricity suppliers in some US states and in several other countries. RAP will continue to assist the governments and utilities with implementation of the regulation as details will still need to be worked out.