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Europe’s increases in online shopping and delivery over the last two years show no signs of waning. Parcel delivery vehicles make up one of the most significant heavy-duty vehicle segments by volume in Europe, recording a market share of… View Summary +
Decarbonisation of the heavy-duty vehicle segment in Europe is crucial to curb greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions from the transport sector. Last-mile delivery trucks for city logistics are a promising application for electrification given their low daily mileages and… View Summary +
As part of the Fit for 55 legislative package, the European Commission proposed a recast of the Energy Efficiency Directive in July 2021. The recast includes significant changes to the Directive’s cornerstone article on the energy savings obligation, Article 7… View Summary +
To meet its 2050 climate goals, Europe will need to purge its power sector of carbon emissions by the mid-2030s. This means integrating renewable energy resources such as wind and solar at an unprecedented scale and pace. Only one path… View Summary +
In a webinar discussion, panelists discussed efforts across the country to put in place clean heat standards or other mandates for reduction of emissions from thermal end uses. View Summary +
Scotland’s recent Heat in Buildings Strategy sets out a plan to achieve the ambitious target for all Scottish buildings to be decarbonised by 2045. In practice this means replacing the heating systems of nearly 90% of Scotland’s 2.5 million homes… View Summary +
National and local governments are increasingly turning to regulated minimum standards for the energy performance of buildings to kick-start the renovation of the stock. But how can these standards be used to define the most efficient pathway for buildings to… View Summary +
In recent years, states embracing transportation electrification have come to realize that different parts of the transportation sector come with their own challenges and needs. Electrifying the transit sector is no different. Here we focus on the electrification of public… View Summary +
The transition to zero-emission mobility and a decarbonised energy system are best planned in tandem, and electric vehicles will play a key role in both shifts in the coming years. Automakers are already committing to phasing out internal combustion engine… View Summary +
在中国总的碳排放中,建筑运行产生的排放大概贡献了约20%,其中3/4来自于与建筑相关的用电和供热的化石燃料非直接燃烧。为了满足中国政府提出的2030碳达峰和2060碳中和目标,高比例发展可再生能源,大力开发建筑节能潜力以及电气化将是建筑领域脱碳的关键。热泵对于电力系统的贡献在于1)热泵是一种极为高效的电气化供热/制冷方式,从而减少能耗,降低排放;2)热泵可以更多地利用清洁的可再生能源发电(风电、光伏);3)由于其灵活可控的特点,可以通过低谷用电减少用电峰值负荷,以及在系统需要时提供辅助服务以增加系统的可靠性;4)减少输配电扩容和升级需要,降低所需的可再生能源投资。… View Summary +
European policymakers are weighing possible responses to the extraordinary surge in energy prices and the consequences for citizens and industry. The European Commission expects to issue additional guidance in May, following analysis due in April from the Agency for the… View Summary +
国际经验表明,电力市场,特别是电力现货市场,很容易受到操纵,从而导致增加不必要的成本和排放,降低系统效率。在电力短缺和输电系统阻塞时,这些问题将更加突出。随着现货市场在全国范围内的发展,完善市场监管的需求将继续增长。总的来说,在欧洲、美国以及世界其他地区,电力市场在很多不同的方面受到密切的监管… View Summary +
Removing fossil fuels from heating is a goal of policy makers around the world in order to decarbonise energy systems and to remove exposure to fossil fuel imports. Alongside efficiency measures, the key technology to replace fossil fuels for heating… View Summary +
The Russian government’s decision to invade Ukraine puts into sharp contrast the deep entanglement between energy, security and geopolitics. Now more than ever, the European Union needs unity and resolve in its response and a focus on resilience in the… View Summary +