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In the 2014 paper “Teaching the Duck to Fly,” Jim Lazar set out ten strategies for aligning loads and resources to make the load curve easier to serve. Starting with the so-called “duck curve” published by the California Independent System… View Summary +
This brief, produced as a resource for the Solar Market Pathways initiative, explores three key questions for solar developers or advocates at the community level who need to work with utilities to move projects forward: the nature of utility… View Summary +
China’s electricity sector is at the beginning of a paradigm shift from an industry characterized by very high growth to one more focused on economic efficiency and environmental performance. When evaluated with a focus on generation capacity, China’s existing coal-fired… View Summary +
Both in the European Union (EU) and globally, the use of energy efficiency obligation (EEO) schemes–policies that place an obligation on energy companies to deliver end-use energy savings targets over time–has been growing. For EU Member States implementing an EEO… View Summary +
Ever since the introduction of retail competition in the late 1990s, the traditional regulatory paradigm that guided the last century has been evolving to adapt to the emergence of new energy technologies and the consumers’ appetite to have more control… View Summary +
Jim Lazar confirms that electric grid managers and utilities can integrate high quantities of variable renewable energy, like solar and wind power, and dramatically reduce carbon emissions by using several existing, and dependable market-proven strategies and technologies in this update… View Summary +
Energy efficiency is a valuable, least-cost alternative to supply-side investments. States’ recognition of this value has grown dramatically in the U.S. over the past ten years, with leading jurisdictions now acquiring more than twice as much electric efficiency savings as… View Summary +
Faced with the complexities and opportunities created by an increase in distributed customer energy resources, Rhode Island is poised on the edge of a fundamental change in its energy system. Energy efficiency, demand response, renewable energy, and new electric technologies… View Summary +
In 2006, the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island were leading the nation in energy efficiency (EE) savings at 1.2% of annual electricity sales. By 2014, leading states were achieving nearly double that, with Massachusetts and Rhode Island seeing first… View Summary +
Najważniejsze informacje: Zarówno europejski jak i polski sektor elektroenergetyczny znajduje się w punkcie zwrotnym. Systemy elektroenergetyczne przechodzą transformację podyktowaną zobowiązaniami do dalszej redukcji emisji, rosnącym udziałem źródeł odnawialnych (OZE), a także koniecznością zapewnienia niezawodnych dostaw energii po akceptowalnej cenie. Opracowany… View Summary +
Both the European power sector at large and the Polish power sector in particular are at a pivotal moment. Power systems are in transition, driven by commitments to continuing emissions reductions, growing penetration of renewables, and the need to provide… View Summary +
Studies show that creative rate design can achieve up to a 35 percent reduction in customer usage during critical peak hours, and up to a 15 percent difference in total consumption over the course of a year. Demand charges have… View Summary +
电力体制改革的一个关键环节是要在全国范围内逐渐实施输配电价改革。最新颁布的《关于推进输配电价改革的实施意见》等共6份配套文件,遵循了9号文的主旨精神,即“准许成本加合理收益”原则,并提出了较为具体的实施措施。… View Summary +
The EU Commission’s market design communication focuses primarily on the question of whether and how to intervene in support of investment in needed capacity. However, this issue must be addressed within the context of meeting climate and energy targets for… View Summary +
Coal combustion from industrial production is a chief contributor to China’s air pollution and rising greenhouse gas emissions. Despite this known linkage, there is no guide for China’s air pollution officials to assess the degree to which clean energy policies… View Summary +