In this paper RAP assesses the suitability for tracking CO2 emissions associated with electricity imported into the RGGI region of two energy attribute tracking systems currently in use in the RGGI region. The paper explores the capacity of the Generation Attribute Tracking System (GATS) in PJM and New England’s Generation Information System (GIS), and evaluates their capacity for this purpose. The paper finds that the use of GATS and GIS to track emissions associated with energy imported into the RGGI region is technically feasible, but poses challenges related to data quality, regulator access, and system coordination that will need to be addressed. Finally, the paper concludes that, as the RGGI’s participating states seek a means of tracking emissions associated with imports into the RGGI region, these tracking systems represent existing capacity that should not be overlooked.
Tracking Emissions Associated with Energy Serving Load in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) States: a Feasibility Study
April 5, 2013
- By
- David Farnsworth ,
- Rachael Terada